Diposting oleh Admin on Sabtu, 13 Oktober 2012

9925691492 SOPAN SOPIYAN
9936058122 MUN SARIP
9946637820 DESI REGITA
9946637821 FAHMI FADILAH
9957291559 HERI M. KHOERI
9957291560 EPI SUPARTI
9957291561 IIS SOLIHAT
9957291562 OBI NURSLAMET
9957291563 JOJO SUTARJA
9957291564 M. SIGIT ABDULOH
9957291565 M. JAMALUDIN
9957291568 PEDI RUSPEDI
9967357187 ERI HERI SUANTI
9967357188 OMBI
9967357190 INDRAYADI
9967357193 ALPIN ALPIAN
9967357194 YUYUN WAHYUNI
9967357196 IYAM MARYAM
9967357197 IMAS MASITOH
9967357199 MOH. HAGI RAPAAT
9967357200 VINI
9967357202 MEMED
9967357204 DADAN
9967357206 IKA NURMAYAH
9967357207 MERY TRESYA
9967357208 IMA ROHMATUL . M
9967357209 M. JAPAR SIDIK
9967357212 IMAM
9967357215 RIJA MIRAJIAH
9967357216 ROSTIYANI
9967357217 ULFAH JAMIATUL. U
9967357218 AEP KHAERUDIN
9967357219 OLIS NURHOLIS
9967357220 RIKI RIANA
9967357222 TIA RISA ROBIAH
9977177555 M. SA. DUDDIN
9977177556 OOM ROMLAH
9977177557 RIDA LESTARI
9977177558 IKAH ATIKAH
9977177560 MAYA RISMAYA
9977177561 PANI DARMAWAN
9977177564 WINA AGUSTINA
9977177565 ADE RUDIAT
9977177566 YAYAN M. NURYANA
9977177567 ANA ALIANA
9977177568 IIK MOH. IKBAL. N
9977177570 DENI
9977177573 PANDU HIDAYAT
9977177574 ADE EGI SAPUTRA
9977177575 WINDA
9977177576 ASEP ARIP
9987051831 WINDI WINANDA
9987051832 ANDI RISWANDI
9987051834 M. IFHAM HAMDANI
9987051835 ALDI WARDANA
9987051836 RISTIA DEWI
9987051838 SITI SRI RAHAYU
9987051839 KRISNA RIZKI. R
9987051842 HAERUN NISA
9987051843 YOPI AMRULLOH
9997336688 RINI MARLITA
9997336690 ORI MUTIAR
9997336691 ATUN ROHMATUN
9997336692 REZA PRATAMA
9997336693 WATI JUMATI
9997336694 NAKITA PIKSI
9997336695 SITI NURAEN
9997336696 IIS ISTIANI
9997336698 HERU
9997336700 QOTRUN NANDA
9997336702 NUNU NURKARIM
9997336703 CICI CAHYANI
9997336704 UUN NAPISATUN
0006116821 LELI NURLELI
0006116822 TIKA ATIKAH
0006116824 IVA FAUZIANA
0006116827 PARHAN FAUZI
0006116828 AAN SUHANDA
0006116830 SRI RAHMAWATI

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Cara Mudah Melindungi komputer anda dari virus tanpa program Antivirus & Firewall

Diposting oleh Admin on Kamis, 16 Juli 2009

Untuk mencegah virus, trojan, worm dan sejenisnya dengan memakai antivirus?, belum tentu berguna. Karena virus selalu lebih baru dari antivirus, kalau proteksi dengan program firewall & Antivirus RTS? (Real Time System), bisa juga... cumannya komputer anda akan berjalan lebih lambat, karena program tersebut residen di memory dan memakan system resource lagi pula setiap anda membuka program baru, selalu akan muncul pertanyaan apakah program ini boleh dijalankan.

Jadi solusi yang aman, cepat dan praktis bagaimana? Nah baca lebih lanjut artikel ini. Artikel ini sengaja ditulis bagi anda yang ingin mencegah kerusakan system, file dan data anda tanpa perlu campur tangan antivirus dan firewall alias MANUAL.

Pertama-tama akan kami jelaskan definisi dan bagaimana virus, trojan, worm dan sejenisnya bisa masuk ke dalam sistem komputer anda.

1. Virus sebenarnya lain dengan trojan atau worm, tapi pada prakteknya penyebarannya virus banyak di maanfaatkan oleh program worm dan trojan. Trojan adalah sebuah program yang dapat dijalankan (biasanya ber-ekstension EXE) oleh pengguna komputer dan ketika program tersebut dijalankan, dia akan merubah sesuatu dari sistem komputer kita (pada umumnya registri windows yang diubah). Nah kalau virus itu residen di memori dan dia akan merubah file yang biasanya ber-ekstension EXE atau COM dan kadang-kadang file tersebut menjadi rusak. Kalau worm (cacing) merupakan program kecil yang berupa script yang bisa nempel di mana aja, bahkan bisa nempel di html file (file website).
Program antivirus pada umumnya menggabungkan semua worm dan trojan dalam kategori VIRUS, cuma mungkin dikasih kode virusnya contoh yang worm di kasih kode W depannya baru nama worm tersebut (contoh: w32/sober) dan kita juga akan menggangapnya sama karena semua itu merusak sistem file komputer. Intinya virus bisa berupa atau berfungsi seperti trojan/worm dan sebaliknya juga, apalagi kalau file tersebut telah ter-infeksi, otomatis akan menjadi file trojan/worm juga, karena kalau pengguna membukanya akan meng-infeksi file-file lainnya.

2. Penyebaran virus dulunya hanya bisa melalui media luar seperti disktet, tapi di jaman ini virus pada umumnya memanfaatkan teknologi internet untuk menyebar luas. Cara masuknya bisa melalui E-mail (attachment), mirc, messenger (kirim/download file), download dr situs (terutama situs porno) atau bahkan memanfaatkan kelemahan dari sistem browser kita. Banyak cara pembuat virus untuk menjebak orang supaya tertarik untuk men-download dan membuka file yang ber-virus, antara lain dengan iming-iming gambar porno, gambar lucu, tools yang berguna buat anda, cara dapat uang, games bagus, hingga yang baru-baru ada pesan dr FBI/CIA untuk anda.

Sebenarnya cara mengatasi virus itu cukup mudah, antara lain:
1. Jangan membuka atau menerima file yang di dapat dr email, mirc dan messenger kalau anda belum kenal dengan pengirimnya dan belum yakin file itu berisi virus.
2. Kalau anda browser ke situs yang tidak anda kenal, matikan program java & java script. Matikan juga fitur install auto atau install on demand supaya program yang berisi virus tidak akan masuk secara otomatis ke komputer anda.
3. Kalau membuka disket, CD, DVD, USB drive dan media luar apapun bentuknya, scan dahulu dengan program antivirus untuk memastikan itu benar-benar aman.

Tips di atas mungkin akan mencegah masuknya virus ke komputer anda, tapi tidak akan 100% pasti komputer anda tidak terkena virus, bisa saja anda kecolongan. Lebih dari 90% komputer yang terkoneksi di Internet pernah terkena virus. Nah untuk mengatasi supaya anda aman dari virus, walaupun virus tersebut sempat masuk ke komputer anda, berikut ini adalah caranya:

1. Virus pada umumnya akan merusak dan memperlambat proses kerja komputer. Untuk menghindari kerusakan yang ditimbulkan virus, anda harus punya cadangan penyimpanan data atau file system. Untuk itulah backup system & data sangat diperlukan, apalagi kita tidak akan mengetahui virus di masa yang akan datang akan secanggih apa dan efek kerusakan yang ditimbulkan sejauh apa. cara backup pada winXp dan winme dengan create restore point dahulu di program> accesories> system tools> system restore, win98 bisa pakai Microsoft Backup dengan membackup folder windows semuanya. Khusus untuk data, Winxp dan winme juga harus menggunakan Microsoft Backup, karena system restore tidak 100% mengembalikan data anda.

Kalau anda males melakukannya secara manual, winxp dan winme sudah otomatis melakukannya setiap anda mematikan komputer anda, Untuk win98 satu-satunya cara hanya memakai program system schedule windows atau program lainnya yang berfungsi sebagai otomatis backup, ketika komputer lagi idle. tapi untuk pastinya, winxp dan winme juga harus memakai program tersebut supaya bila terjadi apa-apa, anda tinggal me-restore kembali. Bila komputer anda hari ini terkena virus, anda tinggal restore system sebelumnya atau yang kemarin.

2. Cara ini adalah untuk mencegah virus merusak file system kita yang biasanya berakhiran EXE, dan Sebelum anda melakukan hal ini, anda harus terlebih dahulu membackup system windows anda (baca keterangan no 1 di atas), karena penulis takut anda melakukan kesalahan yang dapat berakibat fatal terhadap system anda. Anda juga harus mempunyai dasar Windows untuk melakukan ini, kalau tidak, anda akan bingung dan kesulitan untuk memahaminya.

Caranya cukup mudah, anda tinggal merubah attribut dari file EXE anda menjadi READ ONLY alias cuma bisa dibaca, tidak bisa ditulis. caranya bisa anda menggunakan SEARCH dari windows anda, kemudian cari semua program yang ber-ektenstion EXE (search key-nya *.exe) di folder windows. Setelah itu blok semua program yang tampil (atau tekan ctrl+a) terus klik kanan pilih properties. Setelah itu pilih READ-ONLY di bagian bawah kotak pilihan atributes. Bagi yang tahu DOS (command prompt) bisa menggunakan perintah ATTRIB, fungsinya sama saja dengan cara di atas. contoh: c:\windows>attrib +r *.exe

Hal ini akan mencegah virus untuk merubah atau merusak file-file tersebut, karena pilihan tadi mematikan fitur untuk merubah file-file tersebut. Kalau anda ingin lebih yakin virus bisa mendeteksi hal tersebut, anda bisa tambahkan pilihan HIDDEN (menyembunyikan file tersebut) di sebelah kanan dari READ ONLY. Dengan kedua pilihan tersebut virus-virus pada umumnya tidak akan dapat menginfeksi file tersebut. Kalau anda ingin menampakan file HIDDEN ketika membuka folder di komputer anda, anda bisa pilih "show all hidden files" di "folder option".

Anda juga bisa melakukan hal di atas ke semua folder komputer anda, kalau anda merasa hal ini perlu dilakukan, atau mungkin dilakukan juga ke file lain yang bukan ber-ekstensi EXE atau COM. Cara ini adalah cara yang paling efektif dan telah diuji coba oleh penulis. Satu hal yang penting diketahui, kalau anda ingin melakukan penghapusan atau perubahaan ataupun anda sering meng-update file yang ber-ekstensi EXE tersebut, anda harus ingat untuk membuka proteksi read-only atau hidden tersebut. Kalau tidak file tersebut tidak akan bisa dihapus atau diupdate, dan akan muncul pesan error.

Ini adalah salah satu cara untuk memproteksi file, cara lainnya dan cara Untuk mengetahui cara virus merusak/merubah file, membasmi atau menghapus virus secara manual, akan penulis bahas di kesempatan lain.
Baca SelengkapnyaCara Mudah Melindungi komputer anda dari virus tanpa program Antivirus & Firewall


Diposting oleh Admin on Minggu, 22 Februari 2009

Cara Setting Modem GPRS/3G Mobile Internet Connection

A. Setting Umum
Modem Installation
Langkah 1
Start – Control Panel > Phone and Modem Options > Tab Modems > Pilih modem HP anda > Properties > Tab Driver > Update Driver... > Pilih Install from a list or specific location (Advanced) > Next > Pilih Don’t search. I will choose the driver to install > Next > Have Disk... > Browse... > Cari folder driver modem handphone anda > Open > OK > Next-next aja terus.

Langkah 2
Start > Settings > Control Panel > Phone and Modem Options > Pilih modem anda > Klik Properties > Pilih tab Advanced > Di Extra initialization commands, masukkan Code: AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","Mygprs" > OK

Connection Installation
Start > Control Panel > Network Connections > New Connection Wizard > Next > Connect to the Internet > Next > Set up my connection manually > Next > Connect using a dial up modem > Next > Pilih modem anda > Next > Ketik 'Mygprs' > Next > Ketik *99***1# > Next > Ketik di box Username: indosat@durasi > Ketik di box Password : indosat@durasi> Ketik di box Confirm : indosat@durasi> Next > Finish

Optimizing Connection
Klik kanan di Mygprs > Properties > Masuk tab Security > Check “Advanced (Custom Setting) > Klik “Settings” > Check bagian “Allow these protocol” > Hanya check bagian “Unencrypted Password (PAP) > Bagian lain di uncheck > OK

B. Setting Motorola E398/V3/V620/V555
Posisi Layar standby > Lalu Tekan Menu > Pilih Web Access, > Select > Pilih Web Sessions > Select > Pilih New Entry > Select > Lengkapi parameter sbb: > Name : Mygprs > Homepage : (bebas yang penting di isi) > GPRS APN : Mygprs > User Name : indosat@durasi > Password : indosat@durasi> (parameter selain diatas tidak perlu dilengkapi atau di rubah) > Tekan Done, setelah terisi lengkap > Pilih Mygprs > Tekan Menu > Pilih Set Default > Select > Tekan Back untuk kembali ke posisi layar standby

C. Setting Sony Ericsson K510
Pilih Menu > Setting > Connectivity > Data Comm. > Data Accounts > New Account > Account Type : GPRS Data > Name : Mygprs > APN : Mygprs > User Name : andalas@mygprs > Password : andalas123 > Pilih Save > Kemudian langkah berikutnya adalah setting internet profile > Pilih Menu > Setting > Connectivity > Internet Settings > Internet Profiles > New Profiles > Name : Mygprs > Connect Using : Pilih Mygprs > Untuk browsing silakan anda pilih Menu > Internet Services > More > Go To > Enter Address > New Address. Silakan URL halaman web yang ingin anda kunjungi misalnya kemudian pilih Enter. Jika masih gagal membuka halaman web, Silakan anda pilih Menu > Setting > Connectivity > Data Comm. > Data Accounts > Mygprs (Atau koneksi anda), pilih Edit > Authentication > Aktifkan hanya pada pilihan PAP, Kemudian di simpan.

D. Setting Nokia 6600
Pilih Menu > Services > Option > Settings > Default Acces Point > Options > New Access point > Use default settings > SETTING PARAMETER GPRS > Kemudian ubah setiap parameter GPRS dengan rincian sebagai berikut: Connection name : Mygprs > Data bearer : GPRS > Access point name : Mygprs > User name : andalas@mygprs > Prompt Password : No > Password : andalas123 > Authentication : Normal > Homepage : > Connection Security : off > Session mode – permanent.

E. Setting Nokia 6020
Contoh instalasi modem dan setting koneksi menggunakan Nokia 6020 sebagai modem menggunakan sistem operasi Windows XP SP2. Sambungkan handphone atau gprs modem anda ke komputer, bisa via kabel data, infra red atau bluetooth. Koneksi yang baik adalah menggunakan kabel data USB > Install driver modem dari CD bawaan handphone/gprs modem, jika anda tidak memilikinya, anda bisa download di website pembuatnya atau search di google > Setelah anda memastikan gprs modem driver terinstall sempurna, dengan cara "klik kanan icon My Computer", pilih properties > Maka akan keluar jendela System Properties > Pilih tab Hardware, klik device manager. Pastikan modem sudah terinstall > Kemudian klik kanan di "Nokia 6020 Modem" > Akan keluar Modem Properties. > Untuk memastikan bahwa modem sudah terisntall dengan sempurna, klik query Modem. > Maka proses pengecekan apakah modem sudah terinstall dengan baik akan dimulai. > Setelah itu klik OK, hingga semua jendela tertutup. Selanjutnya masuk ke desktop. > Klik dua kali My Network Places. > Klik View network connections. > Setelah itu pilih Create a new connection, maka akan keluar New connection Wizard. > Pilih next. > Pilih Connect to the Internet, klik next. > Pilih Set up my connection manually, klik next. > Pilih Connect using a dial up-modem. lalu klik next. > Pilih modem yang anda install tadi, lalu klik next. > Isi ISP Name dengan Mygprs, lalu klik next. > Isi Phone number dengan *99***1#, lalu klik next. > Isi Username dengan : indosat@durasi, Password dan Confirm password dengan :indosat@durasi, lalu klik next. > Tandai pada kotak Add a shortcut to this connection to my desktop, lalu klik Finish. > Untuk memulai koneksi, klik Dial. Jika komputer sudah terkoneksi, silahkan gunakan untuk browsing, chatting, dan hal lain sesuai kebutuhan anda. Untuk mengakhiri koneksi, klik kanan icon dua komputer di system tray, lalu klik disconect. Untuk memulai koneksi dari awal, klik icon Mygprs di desktop. Maka akan muncul seperti pada langkah yang bergaris bawah diatas. Klik dial, tunggu hingga connect. Untuk pengguna HP Nokia/Sony Ericsson/Motorola/Samsung/dll, lebih mudah jika menggunakan PC suite. Jika anda tidak mempunyai sofwarenya untuk Nokia silahkan download disini (filenya sangat besar sekitar 22MB), untuk Sony Ericsson/Motorola/Samsung/dll silahkan download disini (filenya sangat besar sekitar 48.8 MB) atau lebih baik hubungi customer service Nokia/Sony Ericsson/Motorola/Samsung terdekat untuk mendapatkan copy dari PC Suite. Install PC suite dan driver data kabel, setelah itu anda hanya perlu mengisi APN, username, dan pasword untuk setting di PC/komputer anda, untuk setting di handphone lihat di atas. Yang penting baik setting di handphone atau di PC/Laptop, APN :, Username: indosat@durasi, password: indosat@durasi.

F. Setting Data Card 3G PCMCIA/USB atau PDA Phone
Cara setting sama seperti di atas (lebih simple), klik setting lalu klik network connection setting, isi APN, username, password, dan pilihlah ‘authentication protocolnya 'PAP’. Beberapa perangkat memiliki ‘default setting’ pada model authentication CHAP, maka anda perlu menggantinya dengan PAP. Setiap perangkat memiliki prosedur yang berbeda untuk mengganti jenis authentication tersebut. Jika anda menggunakan PDA Phone, maka anda dapat mengganti authentication tersebut pada menu ‘GPRS Setting’.

Dengan bluetooth
Langkah-langkahnya sebagai berikut :
1. Pastikan Software / Driver Bluetoothnya sudah terinstall di PC / Laptopnya
2. Masuk ke menu Control Panel
3. Pilih Phone and Modem Options
4. Pilih Modem
5. Tekan Add
6. Beri tanda () “Don’t detect my modem : I will select it from a list”
7. Tekan Next
8. Pada kolom Manufacturer pilih WIDCOMM lalu dikolom Models pilih Bluetooth Modem
9. Tekan Next
10. Bila ada konfirmasi di HP nya (tekan yes di HP nya)
11. Pilih All ports
12. Tekan Next
13. Pilih Continue Anyway
14. Bila ada konfirmasi di hpnya (tekan yes di HP nya)
15. Pilih Continue Anyway
16. Proses instalasi modem sudah selesai
17. Tekan Finish
18. Kembali ke tampilan Phone and Modem Options
19. Pilih salah satu modem yang sudah terinstall tadi yaitu Bluetooth Modem COM …(contoh COM 7, 8, 9)
20. Tekan Properties
21. Bila ada konfirmasi di hpnya (tekan yes di HP nya)
22. Pilih Diagnostics
23. Tekan Query Modem
24. Bila ada konfirmasi di hpnya (tekan yes di HP nya)
25. Bila Proses query modemnya tidak berhasil / failed / error, ini artinya COM yang dipilih tadi belum sesuai, maka selanjutnya adalah mengulang kembali langkah 19 tadi namun dengan memilih Bluetooth Modem dengan COM lain yang belum dipilih (lakukan hal ini sampai proses query modemnya sukses / berhasil).
26. Setelah itu pilih Advanced
27. Masukan Extra Settings AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP",""
28. Tekan OK
29. Kembali ke tampilan Phone and Modem Options
30. Tekan Apply lalu tekan OK lalu keluar dari menu Control Panel
31. Langkah selanjutnya : Pilih Start  Programs  Accessories  Comunication  Network Dial Up Connection
32. Pilih Make new connection
33. Akan muncul tampilan Network Connection Wizard
34. Tekan Next
35. Pilih Dial up to the Internet
36. Tekan Next
37. Pilih I want to set up my internet connection manually
38. Tekan Next
39. Pilih I connect through a phone line and a modem
40. Tekan Next
41. Isi Telephone number : *99***1#
42. Tekan Next
43. Kosongkan user name dan password
44. Tekan Next
45. Connection name : Satgprs
46. Pilih No untuk pertanyaan “Do you want to set up an internet mail account now?”
47. Tekan Next
48. Finish
49. Hilangkan tanda () pada to connect to the internet immediately.
50. Tekan Finish
Setting modem internet dengan infrared

Langkah-langkahnya sebagai berikut :

1. Pastikan Software / Driver Infra Red nya sudah terinstall di PC / Laptopnya
2. Aktifkan Infra Red di Handset / Handphone.
3. Hadapkan (pairing) Handset / Handphone dengan Infra Red Laptop / PC setelah berhasil akan tampil icon Infra Red di sudut kanan bawah.
4. Masuk ke menu Control Panel.
5. Pilih Phone and Modem Options
6. Pilih Modem yang sudah terinstall tadi yaitu Standard modem over IR.. COM.., kalau tidak ada maka pilih modem yang sesuai dengan merek HP anda
7. Tekan Properties
8. Pilih Diagnostics
9. Tekan Query Modem (pastikan bahwa proses query telah sukses)
10. Setelah itu pilih Advanced
11. Masukan Extra Settings : AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP",""
12. Tekan OK
13. Kembali ke tampilan Phone and Modem Options
14. Tekan OK lalu keluar dari menu Control Panel
15. Langkah selanjutnya : Pilih Start  Programs  Accessories  Comunication  Network Dial Up Connection
16. Pilih Make new connection
17. Akan muncul tampilan Network Connection Wizard
18. Tekan Next
19. Pilih Dial up to the Internet
20. Tekan Next
21. Pilih I want to set up my internet connection manually
22. Tekan Next
23. Pilih I connect through a phone line and a modem
24. Tekan Next
25. Isi Telephone number : *99***1#
26. tekan Next
27. Kosongkan user name dan password
28. Tekan Next
29. Connection name : Satgprs
30. Pilih No untuk pertanyaan “Do you want to set up an internet mail account now?”
31. Tekan Next
32. Finish
33. Hilangkan tanda () pada to connect to the internet immediately.
34. Tekan Finish

Kabel data

Koneksi Handphone dengan PC Windows 2000 melalui Kabel Data
at 3:52 PM
Langkah-langkahnya sebagai berikut :
1. Masuk ke menu Control Panel
2. Pilih Phone and Modem Options
3. Pilih Modem
4. Tekan Add
5. Beri tanda () “Don’t detect my modem: I will select it from a list”
6. Tekan Next
7. Pilih Standard 33600 bps Modem
8. Tekan Next
9. Pilih port dari kabel data yang digunakan biasanya COM1 untuk kabel data namun jika tidak tersedia pilih COM lain.
10. Tekan Next
11. Instalasi modem sudah selesai
12. Tekan Finish
13. Kembali ke tampilan Phone and Modem Options
14. Pilih Modem yang sudah terinstall tadi yaitu Standard 33600 bps Modem
15. Tekan Properties
16. Pilih Diagnostics
17. Tekan Query Modem (pastikan bahwa proses query telah sukses)
18. Setelah itu pilih Advanced
19. Masukan Extra Settings : AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP",""
20. Tekan OK
21. Kembali ke tampilan Phone and Modem Options
22. Tekan OK lalu keluar dari menu Control Panel
23. Langkah selanjutnya : Pilih Start  Programs  Accessories  Comunication  Network Dial Up Connection
24. Pilih Make new connection
25. Akan muncul tampilan Network Connection Wizard
26. Tekan Next
27. Pilih Dial up to the Internet
28. Tekan Next
29. Pilih I want to set up my internet connection manually
30. Tekan Next
31. Pilih I connect through a phone line and a modem
32. Tekan Next
33. Isi Telephone number : *99***1#
34. Tekan Next
35. Kosongkan user name dan password
36. Tekan Next
37. Connection name : Satgprs
38. Pilih No untuk pertanyaan “Do you want to set up an internet mail account now?”
39. Tekan Next
40. Finish
41. Hilangkan tanda () pada to connect to the internet immediately.
42. Tekan Finish
Koneksi xp Bluetooth

Koneksi Handphone dengan PC Windows XP melalui Bluetooth
at 3:54 PM
Langkah-langkahnya sebagai berikut :
1. Pastikan Software / Driver Bluetoothnya sudah terinstall di PC / Laptopnya
2. Masuk ke menu Control Panel.
3. Pilih Phone and Modem Options
4. Pilih Modem
5. Tekan Add
) “Don’t detect my modem : I will select it from a list”6. Beri tanda (
7. Tekan Next
8. Pada kolom Manufacturer pilih WIDCOMM lalu dikolom Models pilih Bluetooth Modem
9. Tekan Next
10. Bila ada konfirmasi di hpnya (tekan yes di HP nya)
11. Pilih All ports
12. Tekan Next
13. Pilih Continue Anyway
14. Bila ada konfirmasi di hpnya (tekan yes di HP nya)
15. Pilih Continue Anyway
16. Proses instalasi modem sudah selesai
17. Tekan Finish
18. Kembali ke tampilan Phone and Modem Options
19. Pilih salah satu modem yang sudah terinstall tadi yaitu Bluetooth Modem COM …(contoh COM 7, 8, 9)
20. Tekan Properties
21. Bila ada konfirmasi di hpnya (tekan yes di HP nya)
22. Pilih Diagnostics
23. Tekan Query Modem
24. Bila ada konfirmasi di hpnya (tekan yes di HP nya)
25. Bila Proses query modemnya tidak berhasil / failed / error, ini artinya COM yang dipilih tadi belum sesuai, maka selanjutnya adalah mengulang kembali langkah 19 tadi namun dengan memilih Bluetooth Modem dengan COM lain yang belum dipilih (lakukan hal ini sampai proses query modemnya sukses / berhasil).
26. Setelah itu pilih Advanced
27. Masukan Extra Settings AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","indosatgprs"
28. Tekan OK
29. Kembali ke tampilan Phone and Modem Options
30. Tekan Apply lalu tekan OK lalu keluar dari menu Control Panel
31. Langkah selanjutnya : Pilih Start à Programs à Accessories à Comunication à Network Connection
32. Pilih Creat a new connection
33. Akan muncul tampilan New Connection Wizard
34. Tekan Next
35. Pilih Connect to the Internet
36. Tekan Next
37. Pilih Set up my connection manually
38. Tekan Next
39. Pilih Connect using a dial-up modem
40. Beri tanda () pada “Modem – Bluetooth Modem COM.. ” (sesuai dengan proses query modem tadi)
41. Tekan Next
42. Isi ISP Name : indosatgprs
43. Tekan Next
44. Isi Phone number : *99***1#
45. Tekan Next
46. Pilih Create this connection for : Anyone’s use
47. Tekan Next
48. user name dan password : indosat
49. Tekan Next
50. Beri tanda (a) pada “Add a shortcut to this connection to my deskstop”
51. Tekan Finish

Koneksi Handphone dengan PC Windows XP melalui Infra Red
at 3:55 PM
Langkah-langkahnya sebagai berikut :
1. Pastikan Software / Driver Infra Red nya sudah terinstall di PC / Laptopnya
2. Aktifkan Infra Red di handset / handphone.
3. Hadapkan (pairing) handset / handphone dengan Infra Red Laptop / PC setelah berhasil akan tampil icon Infra Red di sudut kanan bawah.
4. Masuk ke menu Control Panel.
5. Pilih Phone and Modem Options
6. Pilih Modem yang sudah terinstall tadi yaitu Standard modem over IR.. COM.., kalau tidak ada maka pilih modem yang sesuai dengan merek HP anda
7. Tekan Properties
8. Pilih Diagnostics
9. Tekan Query Modem (pastikan bahwa proses query telah sukses)
10. Setelah itu pilih Advanced
11. Masukan Extra Settings : AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP",""
12. Tekan OK
13. Kembali ke tampilan Phone and Modem Options
14. Tekan OK lalu keluar dari menu Control Panel
15. Langkah selanjutnya : Pilih Start à Programs à Accessories à Comunication à Network Connection
16. Pilih Creat a new connection
17. Akan muncul tampilan New Connection Wizard
18. Tekan Next
19. Pilih Connect to the Internet
20. Tekan Next
21. Pilih Set up my connection manually
22. Tekan Next
23. Pilih Connect using a dial-up modem
24. Isi ISP Name : Satgprs
25. Tekan Next
26. Isi Phone number : *99***1#
27. Tekan Next
28. Pilih Create this connection for : Anyone’s use
29. Tekan Next
30. Kosongkan user name dan password
31. Tekan Next
32. Beri tanda (a) pada Add a shortcut to this connection to my deskstop
33. Tekan Finish

Koneksi Handphone dengan PC Windows XP melalui Kabel Data
at 3:58 PM
Langkah-langkahnya sebagai berikut :
1. Masuk ke menu Control Panel.
2. Pilih Phone and Modem Options
3. Pilih Modem
4. Tekan Add
5. ) “Don’t detect my modem: I will select it from a list”Beri tanda (
6. Tekan Next
7. Pilih Standard 33600 bps Modem
8. Tekan Next
9. Pilih port dari kabel data yang digunakan biasanya COM1 untuk kabel data namun jika tidak tersedia pilih COM lain
10. Tekan Next
11. Instalasi modem sudah selesai
12. Tekan Finish
13. Kembali ke tampilan Phone and Modem Options
14. Pilih Modem yang sudah terinstall tadi yaitu Standard 33600 bps Modem
15. Tekan Properties
16. Pilih Diagnostics
17. Tekan Query Modem (pastikan bahwa proses query telah sukses)
18. Setelah itu pilih Advanced
19. Masukan Extra Settings : AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP",""
20. Tekan OK
21. Kembali ke tampilan Phone and Modem Options
22. Tekan OK lalu keluar dari menu Control Panel
23. Network Connection Comunication  Accessories  Programs Langkah selanjutnya : Pilih Start
24. Pilih Creat a new connection
25. Akan muncul tampilan New Connection Wizard
26. Tekan Next
27. Pilih Connect to the Internet
28. Tekan Next
29. Pilih Set up my connection manually
30. Tekan Next
31. Pilih Connect using a dial-up modem
32. Isi ISP Name : Satgprs
33. Tekan Next
34. Isi Phone number : *99***1#
35. Tekan Next
36. Pilih Create this connection for : Anyone’s use
37. Tekan Next
38. Kosongkan user name dan password
39. Tekan Next
40. ) pada Add a shortcut to this connection to my deskstopBeri tanda (
41. Tekan Finish

Tutorial Internet pake HP GSM + bluetooth + im3 + PC di kos /Rumah
Posted by: edusulak on: 3 December 2007
• In: Public Computer
• Comment!
Seharusnya tutorial ini sudah banyak yang tahu. Tapi saya lihat di sekitar banyak orang yang tidak tahu.
Kebutuhan ngenet yang tinggi dari mahasiswa hingga anak-anak SMU dan SMP membuat banyak cara yang harus dilakukan.
Cara-cara yang sudah ada :
1. Ngenet di Warnet (paling banyak dilakukan)
2. Ngenet di Rumah temen (biasa cari gratisan)
3. Ngenet di kampus (ini aja masih bayar, lemot lagi)
4. Ngenet di Wifi gratisan (simpang lima,matahari,telkom,kampus,dll)
5. Ngenet di rumah pake telkomnet@instant
6. Daftar speedy atau fastnet (wah kalo ini udah bayar bulanan mana kuat mahasiswa, kalo nge Kos gimana daftar speedy ?apa boleh sama ibu kos ?dikira macam2.
7. Ngenet pake HP (HP yang enak untuk browsing),ga punya HP yang mahal.
8. Ngenet pake HP sebagai modem, tapi browsing lewat computer (wah ini kayaknya pas dengan apa yang saya punya).Bisa pake GSM atau CDMA.
9. dll
Tutorial ini akan memberikan trik/cara/metode (halah opo to kie ngebak2i teks wae) ngenet dengan HP GSM sebagai modem dengan interaksi dengan computer + bantuan bluetooth + kartu GSM (aku pake im3 aja).
Kalo alasan ekonomis teman2 bisa bandingkan sendiri melalui tarif2nya masing2.
Kalo ngenet di warnet :biaya ngenet/jam + parkir + cemilan + minum : Rp ????? (untuk efesiensi bawa sendiri)
Kalo ngenet pake speedy : harus daftar dulu kalo punya telp kabel belum kalo g bisa dipasangi karena jaringanya tidak support,kalo g punya ya….
Kalo ngenet pake telkomnet@instan 1jam=Rp6000 (itu sabtu/ahad aja).
Kalo pake HP (wah ini solusi berdiam diri di rumah tapi dapat info). Tentu saja lihat2 dulu apa yang kita punya.
Syarat :
1. HP kita apa ?CDMA/GSM
2. HP kita udah ada modem internal ?
3. Kartu GSM atau CDMA
4. Peralatan lain.
Tutorial ini memakai HP GSM (support bluetooth), kartu IM3 (ada pulsanya),laptop/pc (nggak rusak),bluetooth (kebetulan merek nya itech dengan driver broadcom.

Laptop,HP n-gage, bluetooth

Tentor/konsultan (kalo g bisa kan bisa telp/tidak menerima sms. 085640147901)
Saatnya ngoprek kalo udah siap.
1. Siapkan setting GPRS di HP kamu.
Kalo satelindo untuk yang volume base :
Data bearer : GPRS
Access-point-name :
Username : gprs
Pass : im3
Gateway ip address :
Homepage :
2. Konek dulu internet melalui browser di HP kamu
3. Jika berhasil maka kini baru konek pake PC,tapi setting dulu komputernya.
4. Install bluetooth
5. Pasang bluetooth dan Start bluetooth di PC

6. Nyalakan bluetooth di HP
7. Kemudian quick connect dial-up networking >> nokia n-gage, belum ada devicemu maka other device >> pilih HP mu >>
8. Jika belum diinstall modemu nanti akan ditanyai untuk diinstall.
9. Jika udah diinstall maka di device managermu kelihatan nama modemmu.see in klik kanan My computer >> properties >> device manager >>


Diposting oleh Admin on Senin, 16 Februari 2009


Kalau setelah ini kamu ingin menangis, menangislah nak!
Kalau setelah ini kamu ingin berteriak, berteriaklah nak!
Mulai sekarang kau harus berjalan sendiri
Gapailah cita-citamu nak!
Gapailah semuanya!
Karena hidup bagimu hanyalah linangan air mata yang semakin melaut.
Jangan berputus asa nak!
Kalau tersirat dalam benakmu bahwa hidup tak ada perlindungan,
Tak ada kasih sayang, tak ada kedamaian dan tak ada kebahagiaan.
Pergilah nak!
Gapailah cita-citamu!
Karena itu sangat berarti dan berharga bagimu.
Walaupun semangatmu telah banyak terhempas.
Jangan menyerah nak!
Tuhan pun tak akan membiarkanmu larut dalam kepedihan.
Karena setelah ini , tangisanmu tak lagi meneteskan air mata, teriakanmu tak lagi menggema.
Pergilah nak!!!


Ketika di ufuk timur, fajar meyapa
Dan matahari mulai menggeliat tuk mewarnai semesta
Ku pandang langit
Dan slalu terlihat senyum dari bibir yang indah
Bibir yang slalu redakan sisi egoku
Bibir yang slalu sejukan kolbuku.


Malam semakin larut, ketika aku masih berdiri disini
Malam semakin larut, ketika imajinasi ini memanjakan ku di sini
Dan malam semakin larut, ketika aku tersadar siapa aku ini?


Tak terasa detak jarum jam berputar
Dia begitu bersemangat pada putarannya
Terdengar bisik-bisik dari setiap pertemuan kecil
Bisikan dengan angka-angka ditempat yang sama
Dalam pertemuan yang berbeda
“jangan kau lupa!”
“jangan kau koyak-koyak lagi surganya!”
“setialah pada putaranmu!”
“ingatkan padanya bintang ke-20!”
: teriak angka-angka itu pada jarum jam
yang slalu setia berputar pada putarannya.
Baca SelengkapnyaPUISI


Diposting oleh Admin on Senin, 24 November 2008

Businesses have a huge amount of responsibility on their shoulders. Most do not have time to think about the planning of a natural or man-made. According to a recent survey by the National Federation of Independent Business, almost forty percent of small experience of disasters in some time. This statistic is divided into ten percent of man-made (broken water pipes, an outbreak of mold, etc.) and thirty percent (floods, hurricanes, etc.).
Document search experts, as Joe Perko, Director of Field Services, to return quickly, LLC agrees that this is one of the most common weaknesses in the planning of economic activity. “Although the experience of Katrina in New Orleans has led many companies and organizations in the areas of high risk for developing disaster recovery plans, and bring to save the document as part of those plans are still a large number of people and companies that are not formal response to a potential property damaged and / or disruptions in economic activity, “said Joe Perko in a recent interview.
Regardless of the time, which is still very necessary for small companies to take certain steps to ensure a disaster does not take into account all of the company. Develop a plan need not be difficult, it just takes some time and a little foresight.

There are many reasons for owners of small businesses neglect planning for disasters.
.1.Lack of resources (staff, external resources)
.3. He saw no need to
The need is very clear. Small companies, which pass through without disaster recovery plans are more susceptible to damage. Association of Records Managers and Administrators estimates that more than sixty percent of companies within two years of experience a major disaster.
Up with a plan for reconstruction after disasters
In drawing up the plan of reconstruction after disasters, you have several options. You can use online resources to put together on their own or you can seek a third company, which may help you. There are a number of companies in the disaster and to help you plan an alternative work space, communication and storage equipment, contingencies and backup in case of flood, fire or other natural disaster destroys part or all of your installation company.
One of the most important and most useful resources that can lead to disaster assistance plan is a document to the catering company. These companies will be evaluated companies in their document storage and mechanisms, as well as provide you with recommendations on how to better prepare themselves to water or fire emergencies. Architects, medical offices, lawyers, construction companies, tax preparers, and any other activity with the use of printed or electronic, X-rays, images, or that the greatest benefits of consulting with the company of this kind.
The importance of a security plan for the document can not be under-emphasized. “A strategic plan for the recovery of water or fire damaged to inspect the records, X-ray, drawings, photographs and so it is necessary to ensure the functionality, and even survival after the disaster,” recalls Perko. “Given that the physical structure may be temporarily replaced by off-site location of offices or trailers, the paper trail of open contracts, patients, tax documents, etc., is the driving force of a unique business.”
Too often small companies on the importance of disaster recovery plans so too late. Please take a moment to do some research and develop a plan for your business so that it can exist for long, healthy at the same time.
Manage your daily time :)
Managing your time is an integral part of business success. There are only so many waking hours per day and there’s always a lot for you to do. It is often overwhelming, so much so that you may not even want to try something new, regardless of how good it is, or how well you know who could do it. Whether due to fear of failure or simply because we are exhausted, most of us put off getting involved in a new business until the “right” time. The problem is that there is rarely an opportune time. Time only moves forward. Responsibilities only in the addendum to maintain, especially financial ones, with the money in general is lower than that of leaving the money. Those with the families know very well. The important thing is to take steps, however small, to break this cycle now. Prioritize your tasks every day, 1 week at a time and make sure they do. Find some time each day, if only for 30 minutes to take action and change the course of his life. If it renounces some means of television, video games, Internet surfing at random, or go out and drink with friends, you can find the time. There are distractions everywhere and should be immune to them for any time devoted to work in his company. Everything will boil down to what you feel is really important. You know that nothing of value can be obtained without some level of sacrifice. We are in the V-Fusion Group are in the same position as you. We have to rely on secure sources of income (salary or hourly wage jobs) for the moment, but every day we find the time to work on our business so that in the coming years we will not have to depend on and work for others. Some days are harder than others, but we must all keep our eyes on the prize. If you write down all the tasks you want to do for your business and get systematically to do, things will happen. Do not compare you to anyone else and never beaten in his slip when, because we all do. The goal is to minimize such blip on their radar and stay positive. Keep your eyes on the prize. The constant and diligent work every day and will reach its goal. Do not feel frustrated if the results do not come immediately. There is no magic here, just a solid business model that requires hard work. The great thing is that you do not have to drop everything to do this. By the way, have not. We’d love to be able to focus all our time and energy in building our team, but that simply is not practical yet. We work around our jobs, families, and many other obligations and things are going very well. Enjoy yourself and it even feels like work. It should not. Should feel like an exciting adventure, which is what we take control of your life is. The only way we can fail is if you quit smoking, or worse, do not even try. As you can see, time is of the essence …
Managing your time is an integral part of business success. There are only so many waking hours per day and is always a lot for you to do. This is often overwhelming, so much so that you may not even want to try something new, no matter how good it is, or how well you know you can do it. Whether by fear of failure or because they simply exhausted, most of us are put in front of engaging in a new company of “appropriate” time. The problem is that it is very rarely a good time. Life just goes ahead. Responsibilities will only add, in particular economic, with the money in general, unless the money goes. Those with the families know very well.
It is important to take measures, but small, to break this cycle now. Prioritize your tasks every day, 1 week, and make sure they do. Find some time each day, if only for 30 minutes of action and change the course of life. If it renounces some means of television, video games, casual web-surfing, or go out and drink with friends, you can find the time. There distractions from around the world, and you should be immune to them during the time to devote to work for the company. It all comes down to what you feel is really important. You know nothing of value can be won without some degree of sacrifice. In V-Fusion Group is in the same position as you. We must rely on secure sources of income (or salaried jobs per hour) at the present time, but every day we find time to work on our business so that in the coming years we will not have to depend on, and work for others.
Some days are harder than others, but we must all keep our eyes on the prize. If you write down all the tasks you want to accomplish for your business and systematically to ensure that done, things will happen. Do not compare you to someone else and never beaten in his slip when, because we all do. The goal is to minimize such blip on the radar and stay positive. Keep an eye on the prize. Hard work and steady all day, and will reach its goal. Do not feel frustrated if the results do not come immediately. There is no magic here, just a solid business model that requires hard work. The great thing is that you do not have to drop everything to do this. By the way, have not. We’d love to be able to focus all our time and energy in building our team, but that simply is not practical yet. We work around our jobs, families, and a number of other obligations and things are going very well. Enjoy yourself and do not even feel like work. It should not. Should feel like an exciting adventure, which is to take control of your life is. The only way you can not quit smoking if you, or worse, do not even try. As you can see, time is of the essence …
Jokes that really offensive to people
Irvine P. Cobb once said, “Humor is a tragedy, standing on his head with tears in his pants.” At first thought most people may not be quite so figure of speech, but that’s okay because it is part humor. I am quite sure, Irvine P. Cobb had dirty jokes on his mind when he was thinking. In this day and age it seems that everything or almost everything is a joke to people. We’ve found that it is very easy to make fun of people because of their color, religion, profession, or even where they live. Many of us find these incredibly funny jokes - but we think the people that they do kidding? We have to stop thinking of how it may be offensive to someone? When we were young, many of us were taught to respect all those around us. This is not a matter of whether they were black or white, Jewish or Catholic, blonde or brunette, or even lawyers or politicians. But somewhere between growing up and trying to fit into our views become distorted, and we find ourselves doing things differently. Sometimes it may be difficult to not find some funny jokes, even if they do fun of other types of people. Do you have a number of television show hosts like Jay Leno to make fun of celebrities and politicians, and sometimes just have to agree with them. Then you have singers like Weird Al songs and who turns into parodies the way in which people can act, or stupid, as someone may be. I believe that there are some jokes that are hilarious, and I like to walk around them and share them with others. But I want to make sure that they are not so offensive. For example, there are a number of blonde jokes that are just downright funny, and then there are some that are taken too far. I know that many perceive as a blonde and stupid, that the jokes come there. I was a blonde (once) - but never with such vtip?m and understood the heart, they were just for fun. The best thing to remember is to take these jokes too far and keep it in moderation. Not every joke is supposed to be taken literally. Just because they make fun of a lawyer does not mean that the talk about you. If you use it to irritate others just make sure to find it funny and it is not too far.
Irvine P. Cobb, said: “Humor is a tragedy, standing on his head with tears in his pants.” In May, the first thought most people is not enough to have a figure of speech, but that’s because it is a party mood. I am confident Irvine P. Cobb dirty jokes on his mind when the thought.
At present, it appears that at least almost everything is a joke for the people. We believe that it is very easy to make fun of people because of their color, religion, occupation, or even where they live. Many of us find these incredibly funny jokes - but we think the people that make fun of? Let us pause to think about how it is possible that offensive to someone?
When we were young, many of us have learned to respect everyone around us. It does not matter whether black or white, Jewish or Catholic, blond or brown or even lawyers or politicians. But somewhere between growth and is trying to become fit our point of view biased and do things differently.
This can sometimes be difficult not to find some jokes funny, even if they do fun of other people. You have several television hosts like Jay Leno to make fun of celebrities and politicians, and sometimes just agree with them. Then you have singers like Weird Al takes songs and transforms them into a parody of how people can act, or stupid, as someone may be.
I think there are jokes that are hilarious and I love moving around them and share them with others. But at the same time it seeks to ensure that they are not as offensive. For example, there are some blonde jokes that are just funny, and then there are some that are taken too far. I know that many perceive as dumb blonde, and that there jokes to come. I was a blonde (one) - but I never get to the heart, and the jokes were heard just for fun.
The best thing to remember is to take these jokes too far and keep it in moderation. Not every joke is supposed to be taken literally. Simply because they make fun of a lawyer does not mean that to talk to you. If you are used to irritate others just make sure to find it funny and it is not too far.
Jokes that really offensive to people
Irvine P. Cobb once said, “Humor is a tragedy, standing on his head with tears in his pants.” At first thought most people may not be quite so figure of speech, but that’s okay because it is part humor. I am quite sure, Irvine P. Cobb had dirty jokes on his mind when he was thinking. In this day and age it seems that everything or almost everything is a joke to people. We’ve found that it is very easy to make fun of people because of their color, religion, profession, or even where they live. Many of us find these incredibly funny jokes - but we think the people that they do kidding? We have to stop thinking of how it may be offensive to someone? When we were young, many of us were taught to respect all those around us. This is not a matter of whether they were black or white, Jewish or Catholic, blonde or brunette, or even lawyers or politicians. But somewhere between growing up and trying to fit into our views become distorted, and we find ourselves doing things differently. Sometimes it may be difficult to not find some funny jokes, even if they do fun of other types of people. Do you have a number of television show hosts like Jay Leno to make fun of celebrities and politicians, and sometimes just have to agree with them. Then you have singers like Weird Al songs and who turns into parodies the way in which people can act, or stupid, as someone may be. I believe that there are some jokes that are hilarious, and I like to walk around them and share them with others. But I want to make sure that they are not so offensive. For example, there are a number of blonde jokes that are just downright funny, and then there are some that are taken too far. I know that many perceive as a blonde and stupid, that the jokes come there. I was a blonde (once) - but never with such vtip?m and understood the heart, they were just for fun. The best thing to remember is to take these jokes too far and keep it in moderation. Not every joke is supposed to be taken literally. Just because they make fun of a lawyer does not mean that the talk about you. If you use it to irritate others just make sure to find it funny and it is not too far.
Irvine P. Cobb, said: “Humor is a tragedy, standing on his head with tears in his pants.” In May, the first thought most people is not enough to have a figure of speech, but that’s because it is a party mood. I am confident Irvine P. Cobb dirty jokes on his mind when the thought.
At present, it appears that at least almost everything is a joke for the people. We believe that it is very easy to make fun of people because of their color, religion, occupation, or even where they live. Many of us find these incredibly funny jokes - but we think the people that make fun of? Let us pause to think about how it is possible that offensive to someone?
When we were young, many of us have learned to respect everyone around us. It does not matter whether black or white, Jewish or Catholic, blond or brown or even lawyers or politicians. But somewhere between growth and is trying to become fit our point of view biased and do things differently.
This can sometimes be difficult not to find some jokes funny, even if they do fun of other people. You have several television hosts like Jay Leno to make fun of celebrities and politicians, and sometimes just agree with them. Then you have singers like Weird Al takes songs and transforms them into a parody of how people can act, or stupid, as someone may be.
I think there are jokes that are hilarious and I love moving around them and share them with others. But at the same time it seeks to ensure that they are not as offensive. For example, there are some blonde jokes that are just funny, and then there are some that are taken too far. I know that many perceive as dumb blonde, and that there jokes to come. I was a blonde (one) - but I never get to the heart, and the jokes were heard just for fun.
The best thing to remember is to take these jokes too far and keep it in moderation. Not every joke is supposed to be taken literally. Simply because they make fun of a lawyer does not mean that to talk to you. If you are used to irritate others just make sure to find it funny and it is not too far.
Gifts for my women…
Most men want to buy unique gifts for women sometime in their lives. Whether they are looking for their mother, daughter or wife, men often feel overwhelmed when it comes to choosing unique gifts. There are 6 steps in choosing unique gifts for women in your life. 1st Be careful. Notice what excites your woman friend or relative. You are sure to get plenty of great unique gift ideas by looking to see what she treasures most. Consider details like what she Wears most issues, she has on display in her home, and decorations, she has at work. All this will help you when deciding on unique birthday gifts or other gifts. 2nd Ask questions. One thing to find out what is unique unusual gifts she has received in the past. When she had to answer the question, it is important to note that answer. You can also learn from her position on the specific unique gifts. Did she like them or think they were ugly? Other things to ask what she likes to come to the unique Christmas gifts. Be sure to get plenty of answers, so you are not just filling an order. 3rd Decide where to get the unique gifts for her. Shopping in bricks and mortar stores may have to be time-consuming and frustrating. It is often easier to find unique gifts online. Compare election. Announcement of the online music store has unique gifts, jewelry, homewares, figurines and other unusual unique gifts. 4th Look at all the possibilities in this shop. You can find unique Mother’s Day gifts, birthday gifts, or unique gifts for Christmas in the most unlikely categories. Be sure to search them all to find just the right present for your lady. 5th Compare prices. When looking at price, said the fine things. Think about how long it’s unique gifts will last at this price. If you get a unique personal gifts, so check to see how much personal, such as engraving or monogramming will cost. Check the shipping costs. 6th Buy and send your special unique gifts. Most online businesses make it easy to add items to your virtual shopping cart until you have everything you want. Then they calculate the full price for your order and provide you with shipping options for all your unique gifts for her. Then they will send them when you enter. Gifts can be found in hundreds of different styles and in many different looks. Gifts for women should be presented as personal as possible, so try to do this just as much a part of the apartment as a gift. Donations to her that you can customize with your gift message that will let her know how much she means to you. Gifts to the many stages in a woman’s life - Celebrating every year with a unique women’s gifts designed to address the specific needs of each age. Unique Corporate Gifts is more than just gifts. It does not take a rocket scientist to select and purchase unique gifts for women. But it requires some thought, especially if you do not have the habit of doing it before. When your ladies have been most special unique gifts of their lives, you’ll be glad you took the time.
Most men want to buy unique gifts, sometimes the women in his life. Whether they are looking for their mother, daughter or wife, men often seem to be flooded when it comes to choosing unique gifts. There are 6 steps in the selection of unique gifts of women in my life.
1st Be careful. Notice what inspires my woman friend or relative. You’re sure you get lots of very unique gift ideas in seeing what she treasures most. Consider the details such as what she uses it most, issues, he has shown his home, and ornaments she is at work. All this helps you when deciding on the unique gifts, birthday or other gifts.
2nd Ask questions. One thing to find out what is unique in the unusual gifts she has gone so far. When he does not answer the question, it is important to note that answer. You can also learn from her position on the special and unique gifts. Is she or they think they were ugly? Another thing to ask what he wants to get personal Christmas gifts. Be sure to get a lot of answers, so you not only to fill orders.
3rd To determine where you get unique gifts for him. Buy bricks and mortar stores can be time consuming and frustrating. It is often easier to find unique gifts online. Compare election. Stating that the online store is unique in music, gifts, jewelry, household, figurines and other unusual unique gifts.
4th See all the possibilities in this shop. You can find a unique Mother’s Day gifts, birthday gifts, or unique gifts for Christmas very unlikely categories. Remember to look for them all to find just the right moment you will miss.
5th Compare prices. Look at the prices, said the fine things. Think how long it’s unique gifts to last for this price. If you get a unique personal gifts, so check to see how much personal, such as engraving or monogramming will cost. Check the shipping costs.
6th Buy and send a special and unique gifts. Most online businesses do easy to add items to your virtual shopping cart until you have everything you want. Then they calculate the full price for your order and provide you with shipping options for all the unique gifts for him. So they send them where you can decide.
Gifts can be found in hundreds of different styles and in many different looks. Gifts for women should be presented as personal as possible, so I try to do this just as much a part when it is a gift. Gifts to him that you can personalize the gift with a message to let him know how much she means to you.
Gifts for various stages in a woman’s life - Celebrating every year in a unique women’s gifts designed to meet the specific needs of each age. Unique Corporate Gifts is more than just gifts.
It does not take a rocket scientist to select and purchase unique gifts for women. However, it did not take any thought, especially if you do not usually do that before. When relatives went to the most specific and unique gifts for their lives, you can be happy you took time.
Upgrading your life for easy !!!
Whatever can be done through life, regardless of the challenges that lie ahead in May, we must never lose our sense of identity. Improving our lives will help us gain a high level of self-esteem that will help us determine who we are, as well as gaining the respect of others.
Here are 7 steps to help you improve your lives for the better.
1. Identify your purpose in life
Turning to life expectancy will find good health and happiness? What are the signs to follow to achieve your goals? You know the motto - “if you do not know where you’re going, any road will take you there.” Identify your purpose in life and take the necessary steps to achieve it.
2. Identify what you value most
Make a list of five things you value. These could be family, education or the achievements of his career results. As you work on your goals for 2009, compared with their control their values and work where we can improve or upgrade.
3. Identify your needs
If your needs are met, will be an obstacle to happiness. Too many people have lived their lives without realizing that their dreams have not been fulfilled or depressed. Identify their needs and more important in carrying out the work as soon as possible.
4. Continue to focus
Once you have identified your purpose, values and needs, you may experience some doubts and a lack of enthusiasm that does not meet your goals, but you can cool off ‘. After developing a passion for improving their lives and remain focused, obstacles are easily overcome.
5. Think
Meditation helps keep the mind clear and free of distractions and situations that may arise over time. Find a nice quiet place and reflect on their lives. Think about the things that are happy with. Those who are not happy with you meditate on how you can change.
6. Focus on your strengths
What are its strengths? Think of 4 of its main strengths in writing. Ask someone close to you to help others who sometimes see our good qualities better than us. Use your strengths to help and encourage others.
7. Serve others
Help and serve others, especially foreigners, it gives you great satisfaction. Remember, when you help others, do so from the heart. Do not try to praise or nothing in return. You’ll be rewarded at the appropriate time.
Find a Legitimate Online Business …
Unfortunately, in the online world, there are people who just want to take your money without you having a real service or support. There is therefore no matter what the investment should be cautious in choosing an online business. Here are some points that will help you avoid these frauds and find a company that really works.
If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is
Do not take this as negative, but when something is often the sales pitch lacks substance. A good business opportunity is much more detailed than in its strategy to try to affect you emotionally.
You must also be realistic, I mean, if they say you can invest $ 10 and within a week, you win $ 1000 should ask: “If it is so easy, why not do it all?
I am here to tell you that an e-services should be treated as seriously as a business offline and requires so much work, at least initially.
Have a little background research
Has the site domain and start the program by Look at the figures in traffic and which sites to link to. If the site has very little traffic, may well be a bluff. Secondly, this is also the case when the field is very new. Check to see if there are comments on to the site.
Visit a home-based Business Forum.
Forum in this case a large amount of information. In fact, if looking for an online company that will join a number of these forums and contribute to society.
This will help in several ways, it is one people will talk about their experiences at a time. Second, you can find a good business opportunity at a later stage to discuss the forum and links to your signature on the table and pay a commission on the grounds of people on this occasion he said.
The key here is a visit to a number of forums, so you have a broader base of information that allows you to see if a pattern develops, whether negative or positive.
Contact your supervisor
This can be a real eye-opener. If the offer before the canned response that lacks detail below, to avoid sickness. If no reply to his e-mail does not, then dropped like a hot potato.
Always remember, when people are there just for the money, they tend to do as little as possible for maximum performance. People who love what they do, they do what they can to ensure everyone and everything that is offered.
Check scam sites.
Control of fraudulent Web sites to see if the option is a question of fraud. You can also Google the name of funds and see what information came from.
Finally, the good old saying is true. “Philosopher’s say only fools rush in” every opportunity “due diligence”. I understand that a company is not a hundred-yard sprint, it’s more like a marathon. You need your own pace and invest time and resources to get it to work.
The benefits of Online SEO
You can easily increase the profits of your site online if you have the right marketing and use of good online SEO to promote it. The advantage of a good online search engine optimization is that you can win an avalanche of free movement through a major search engine ads, while the outlook points to a large number of online content.
The question is what the content, and what should you use online SEO? To answer the first part of that question is obvious: the content that you use must relate to the theme of your site, and each field should be optimized for a keyword and a keyword. What most people do not have success with its online marketing is to try to be everything to all people, and is not specific enough to reach potential customers on Web pages.
In order to increase profits online site, it is important that marketing is very focused on the theme or the product in their hands, and that his line is SEO spot on the absence of the fundamental aspects of SEO, with more advanced search engine optimization techniques the vast majority either ignore or do not know. You can not do much about the ignorance of others, but surely that can benefit from it!
To do so, however, may take a few specialized online information about SEO techniques and how they can use them to your advantage. You will no doubt be aware of the rules Meta tag name, and the use of heading tags on the body, but what’s new with the interior or linking strategies can lead to turning around the nose of your entire website just as you would like to visit on each page? No? When you have a lot to learn.
Deep knowledge and understanding of search engine optimization, as to the proper use of “nofollow” and “NOINDEX” tags can be crucial to its success. The same goes for a good understanding of semantics and analysis of how Google is implementing Michelle in the algorithm. How about the proper use of photos, video and Flash? Are you fully known is how Google search on it? Probably not, since its surprise that Flash is not what it used to be in the eyes of Google spiders and that the vast majority still do not know how to use images to their greatest advantage.
Marketing is also very important, and write articles is an excellent way to create content, both to their sites and use article directories to promote them. You sell something on your pages will not receive visitors, and two of the best ways to get a good list of search engines for your most important keywords and publish articles in which a notice of the relevant pages in the author’s appeal.
Marketing content can also be in the form of a well-written and optimized SEO and web articles to increase profits in line should have a good search engine optimized marketing content. Without that you are dead in the water, because your pages will not appear on Google, which is the main representative of the search engines.
Therefore, focus on your SEO and your online marketing and increase the content of their web form gains as a result. It is not as simple as you would have reason to believe, but if you can find a mentor should be a fairly simple task, as long as you have a product and know how the online market.
Using Polling & survey in your blog !
Have you ever considered using surveys on their site?
Perhaps one of the most neglected tools in the arsenal of blogging is the ability to create surveys and opinion polls on the blog. But these surveys and opinion polls can serve a number of different effects for bloggers, and should be used more frequently in many blogs. Here is a brief look at some of the benefits they offer to the polls and surveys.
Benefit # 1: Market Research
In short, surveys and opinion polls will help your audience to know better. Even if you already have a market survey to better understand your audience, opinion polls will help you know what people really read your blog. With this information, you can send messages that are more to your liking and you can add features to your blog that you help your audience happy. If you try to make money with products from affiliates surveys can also help you when selecting products to sell in his blog.
Benefit # 2: Start a conversation
Polls and surveys are often good fodder for the collection of the ongoing talks. One side, you can ask a question in its investigation and then ask members of the community to explain why when the answer. On the other hand, the results of the survey or research can often remove Additional calls - especially when the subject is that one is controversial. In fact, with the help of a poll or survey is a good way to a controversial topic for discussion to the reader without taking a firm stance by both sides.
Note that you have the opportunity to your readers to see the outcome or to ensure that the results of the study carried out in the end. If you do not want to have answers to their crooked, you might want to keep this feature after a closed issue.
Benefit # 3: Keep it simple
Polls and surveys are also favorable for bloggers because they are relatively easy to do. Therefore, if you have a day that you really can not think of what to write about or simply is not time for an announcement of an investigation or measurement is still of interest to their readers without having to take so long to create.
Although surveys and studies are relatively easy to make, this does not mean that you should not put any thought into the person to believe. Pretty sure you have a question about a subject that makes sense for your readers. A number of response options are clear and well defined. That way you can get a precise answer to your inquiry or investigation and they really should be able to use the information to improve the content of your site.
Highest Income Business ever !
Americans are changing at home these days in large numbers. It makes no sense for many people, both financially and in terms of convenience to do it. Working at home eliminates the travel and the cost of gas and is also a great opportunity for parents who want to be home with their small children. Searching for high income business opportunities online can be difficult because there are so many options.
Many of the jobs or business opportunities on the Internet is not really all business, but advertising courses, seminars, etc. that are designed to train up for a lucrative job in a particular industry. Although many courses are good, you need to know that there is no guarantee that a position at the end of the program. It can be frustrating to try to resolve through the various home business opportunities there and find out who is eligible and what options are right for you.
The good news is that there are many high-income legitimate opportunities to choose from, and that hundreds of thousands of people have a very good life with them. In some cases, these people only work a few hours per week. A major benefit of teleworking is in complete control - you can choose your schedule, your work, and what type of job you want. His home to the company’s success is based on their hard work and motivation, and the fact that not depend on others.
There are several types of high income business opportunities currently popular. Most advertising-based home business opportunities for affiliate programs. When you connect an affiliate program, you earn money in two ways - one, by sending traffic to a site that offers products or services, and two, by getting others to join the network of affiliates. Are you comfortable with the social and the Internet, this may be the perfect type of work.
The advertisement for an area can mean a variety of expenses, but it can also do much of it for free. By posting on forums and blogs and participate in social networking, you can get your name without a major investment. Since this is an affiliate can earn a healthy salary and you make money when someone links to your site through ads or services 24 hours a day. When you recruit other people into its network of subsidiaries, will receive a percentage of sales of its references, including a share of the population covered, and so on.
Naturally, this company is not for everyone. There is another level of comfort to sell a product that people talk to strangers, even if it is on the Internet via e-mail. If affiliate marketing is not for you, do not despair, because there are many other high income business opportunities waiting for you in areas such as government / business, transcription and customer service. Click here to view a site that reviews the work at home jobs for the best advice on legal options for a high income from the house.